From the Mail Online Claire from Staffordshire says;
This is so over-hyped. I have this book and it is one double page spread out of 100 pages. If children were as innocent as 8 year olds should be they'd just think the pictures were people playing in the bath. Draw attention to it and they will know that there is more too it!
The book also tells the children about turning off light bulbs, recycling and donating to charity, as well as providing scots pine seeds so you can plant your own trees - all very good educational information for children, as well as most adults.
Ik weet niet hóe het overhandigd is, maar bulkartikelen voor de uitdeel willen nog wel eens in een cellofaantje zitten, dus dan is de impuls om `t even door te neuzen al een stuk minder onder het personeel.