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Laatste edit 03-12-2013 23:45 |
FredDFreeloader Erelid
WMRindex: 781 OTindex: 1.860
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ik-RYOy7nME |
http://www.boek9.nl/img/content/2013-afbeeldingen/nederlandfm.png |
http://kristel.simpsite.nl/Privacyinstellingen |
http://www.worldscapeblitz.com/pics/derp/hurr-durr-derp-face-untitled1.jpeg |
http://eyespired.nl/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/optisch-bedrog-kunst-2.jpg |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPki3-urnFg |
allone Oudgediende
WMRindex: 52.248 OTindex: 94.000
http://www.virtualpiano.net/ |
.................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... Laatste edit 15-12-2013 13:37 |
http://www.quickmeme.com/img/20/20bc9a2f8beefbbb48062d4287f0b32e34ad3c2fc668e1ac69491fbf914aeb80.jpg |
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cf/Cockatielmale.jpg |
Sto Oudgediende
WMRindex: 6.021 OTindex: 14.071
δ |
Niks. |
http://lh6.ggpht.com/_YDiKWG41pi8/TNJsLk3pq3I/AAAAAAAAE8s/SN9LJGRdoxE/s800/spongebobhuis%204.JPG |
SilverWing Erelid
WMRindex: 573 OTindex: 854 S |
IEDEREEN Laatste edit 26-12-2013 17:00 |
http://alevcolou.rs/images/budge.gif |
borisbaarlo Senior lid WMRindex: 50 OTindex: 1.036
I love AMD, My Blood runs red and true Don't Care for Intel products, I don't look good in Blue Look inside my case the colors Red and Black Don't want my PC Green, Cuz man that shit is whack
AMD Harder, Faster, better AMD And Its Cheaper AMD That Shit can Overclock AMD Intel is a cock-block AMD 60 Percent of the time, my Athlon Is faster every time AMD Save yourself some money AMD By Switching to AMD I love AMD they always got my back I love their lower prices, they keep me coming back I know they may run hotter, but thats okay with me (Brace Yourself) Winter is coming, with this I shall not freeze (Game of thrones reference) AMD Harder, Faster, better AMD And Its Cheaper AMD That Shit can Overclock AMD Intel is a cock-block AMD 60 Percent of the time, my Athlon Is faster every time AMD Save yourself some money AMD By Switching to AMD |
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/1505084_650594408372602_1665429945_n.jpg |
wortel: ga jij koken? |
SilverWing Erelid
WMRindex: 573 OTindex: 854 S |
lee sin a young teen, Lee Sin was intent on becoming a summoner. His will and dedication were unmatched by any of his peers, and his skill drew the attention of Reginald Ashram, the League's High Councilor at the time. While studying at the Arcanum Majoris, Lee Sin became frustrated with instruction paced for the other students. He spent his free time researching the nuances of summoning in hopes of graduating sooner. He made amazing advances in his arcane studies, surpassing all other students. By all indications, he would have become one of the League's greatest summoners were it not for one terrible mistake. Too impatient, he attempted to test his ability by summoning a beast from the Plague Jungles. What he summoned instead was a young boy, but not in one piece. He barely had time to look the boy in what was once his face before the jumbled human mass fell lifeless to the floor. A League investigation later revealed that the boy's entire village was obliterated by feedback from the ritual. Lee Sin's talents were so promising that the League was willing to overlook the incident, but he could never forgive himself. He left the Institute and journeyed to the Shojin Monastery for eternal repentance, swearing never to practice magic again. Years later, hoping to atone for his crime with martyrdom, he set himself ablaze as a protest of the Noxian occupation of Ionia. He remained alive in this state, enduring searing agony for weeks. His actions paved the way for a League match wherein Ionia prevailed, but by the time he was doused, his eyes had been burned completely from their sockets. Hailed as a savior, he was reborn, and his will to act invigorated. He joined the League of Legends to continue his atonement with sweat and blood, a true monk's only possessions.
"The actions of one may sunder the world, but the efforts of many may rebuild it." ―Lee Sin Protest of the Shojin Monk Edit Main article: Ionia The events leading up to the Ionia vs Noxus rematch started when Lee Sin, a monk from the Shojin Monastery, set himself aflame within the Ionian Lotus Garden. He would not allow anyone to put out the fire until the three regions of Southern Ionia were freed from Noxus' occupation.[1] Lee Sin remained in this state of excruciating pain for over two months. After Ionia won their rematch against Noxus, he was greeted by his sister from the now liberated Southern provinces. Only then did Lee Sin allow the flames to be extinguished. Though his brethren swiftly brought the monk back to the monastery for treatment, he had already suffered the loss of his eyes due to the intense heat.[2]
Laatste edit 28-12-2013 18:24 |
botte bijl Oudgediende
WMRindex: 90.820 OTindex: 39.086
De kinderen in de wijk hoefden het niet zonder hun cadeaus te doen. Ironisch genoeg heeft The Grinch -die eigenlijk een hekel heeft aan Kerst- de cadeaus rondgebracht. |
SilverWing Erelid
WMRindex: 573 OTindex: 854 S |
Quote botte bijl: De kinderen in de wijk hoefden het niet zonder hun cadeaus te doen. Ironisch genoeg heeft The Grinch -die eigenlijk een hekel heeft aan Kerst- de cadeaus rondgebracht. film gekeken Laatste edit 28-12-2013 19:22 |
botte bijl Oudgediende
WMRindex: 90.820 OTindex: 39.086
@shoaib2: ken die film niet, stond nog in de kombjoedder na het reageren op een artikel alhier |
SilverWing Erelid
WMRindex: 573 OTindex: 854 S |
botte bijl: oooooowwwwwww$100,000,000,000 of 1774 dollars would be worth: $2,857,142,857,142.86 in 2013
Laatste edit 28-12-2013 19:57 |