(Posted on FB, sorry for the language)
Arrived home early this morning, all is well, I have a visa! Many thanks to Herbert for taking care of that and extending further assistance!It has been a wicked month but especially the last few day's were very hectic:
Last Friday morning I flew from Amsterdam to Singapore, then to Kuala Lumpur and finally to Kota Bharu. Lost my wallet, 4500 THB gone and my ATM-card

After receiving my passport with visa I crossed the border. From there I was taken to a small booking-office where I booked a minivan to Hat Yai. Once in Hat Yai it turned out I had to wait 6.5 hours before I could board a bus to Samui.
At last, after leaving Friday morning early i was home on Tuesday morning.. I'm exhausted, but happy that the shit is over!
My overstay is gone, to never bite me in the ass again!!
As this will be my last posting regarding my overstay and related problems I would like to thank some people for being incredibility good and helpful during the last few months:
First of al my sister Annie and her husband Andre for letting me stay short to a month in their home. Sis, you are the best! You spoiled me

Give Buster a big hug from me! Love you very much An xxx
Khun Aoi, my solicitor/lawyer. She waited for me in Bangkok and didn't leave my side for two full day's, talking and pleading with the Thai Immigration Officers. She did a hell of a job!
My dear friend Petch, my liaison in Thailand, whenever I needed something done in Thailand she contacted Khun Aoi and kept communications with me and my lawyer and other persons open. She also translated and explained many things to my Wan who's English was sometimes not good enough to understand everything that needed to be done..Thank you so much honey, big hug to you!
My eldest brother Rinie who drove me around in Holland; The Hague, Amsterdam, no problem, he did it with pleasure. Hope to see you someday on Samui bro, have a great birthday!
Andrey, for taking over class while I was away. I heard that you did a great job my friend, as I expected..
Starting tomorrow I will take over class and you can devote your time once more to your own development. Many thanks go to you Androesha!
The friends who helped me financially to get my shit sorted out, you are fantastic people! A big thanks for helping me out!
All those who cared for me, helped me, and advised me on many occasions: Thanks!!
While in Holland I got acquainted and reacquainted with many people, too many to sum up in this posting. But one person I would like to mention specifically: My ex-sister in law Gerda! It was fantastic to see you again after so many years Gerda, I enjoyed our time together, you are a wonderful person.. If your sister would have had your character I would probably still be married with her. I wish you all the best honey, who knows, maybe we will meet again? I would surely like that xxx
My students, most of them are not 'just' students but also dear friends! Thanks guys!
I might be poor in money, but in friends I am the richest man alive!
To my students, don't think I've gotten soft! Tomorrow at 9 we train... Hard!!
Cheers to all of you, you make my life so much better and richer...
Edit: Damned!!! See? I fucking forgot to mention my two best friends!! Erik and John.. Guys, it was great seeing you again! See you in January!
Laatste edit 15-03-2016 12:15